Grandma's Home Made Pasta

This past recipe is so simple you're  going to slap yourself for buying the packaged junk.  I use my Kitchen Aide with the pasta attachments but you don't  have to.  My friend Fred does just fine  with a rolling pin and a knife.  Make any type of pasta you want from  ravioli to tagliatelle, to bow ties.

Are you ready for this??

2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup semolina
2 generous pinches  of  salt
1 egg and some cold water.

Make sure you  wash your counter good and take off your rings.  Flour your hands good and get in there are start squishing.

Keep  adding water as needed.  When the dough becomes ready,  you will see that your hands aren't so gucked (that is a word isn't it?) up, and the dough's not in any real hurry to pick  up more flour.  I like to dust the counter with just enough so the counter's basically clean when I'm done.  Wrap the dough in cling wrap and let it rest in the frig.

When you're ready, divide it into easily workable pieced and either roll it out by hand or use the pasta attachment to God's gift to my kitchen.  Flour it generously and roll the pieces accordion style and cut to desired width or again, run through your pasta machine.

Cook like you would the dried stuff, just not as long.


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